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TelAPI SMS Subscription Starter Kit

TelAPI SMS Subscription Starter Kit

What is it?

The TelAPI SMS Subscription Starter Kit is a Ruby on Rails application that expedites the process of creating an SMS subscription service. A developer simply needs to clone this repo and follow the directions below. You’ll have a working SMS subscription service up and running in no time :)

How It Works

  1. Head over to TelAPI and signup for a TelAPI account:
  2. Purchase a TelAPI phone number through the TelAPI dashboard
  3. Configure your TelAPI number’s SMS Request URL to point to the following:
  4. Clone this repo git clone
  5. Open the SMS controller in app/controllers
  6. Replace the ‘telapinumber’ variable with your recently purchased TelAPI number “` telapinumber = ”+15555555555" “`
  7. Push this code to your server
  8. Perform a migration to create the user’s table on your server. The user’s table has a ‘numbers’ column where your subscriber’s phone numbers will be stored. Additional migrations can be used to add new columns for other user attributes. rake db:migrate
  9. Have a beer and celebrate