Get your Rails app off the ground, fast

About RailsVault

RailsVault is a leaderboard of the top Ruby on Rails starter repos. It’s run by Spacetime, and based on the StaticGen project by Netlify.

The site itself is built with Middleman. The source-code is available on a GitHub repo and you’re more than welcome to contribute as long as you follow the rules.

Ruby on Rails Starters

Ruby on Rails has been hailed as the go-to tech stack for startups looking for speed and scale.

The Convention Over Configuration philosophy is great, but let’s be real, there is still a ton of configuration required to get even the simplest features set up. Like Users, Teams, Invitations, Mailers, Payment, etc etc.

When you have a Product idea and you want to test it out for viability, you don’t want to waste your time configuring Subscriptions and Stripe. What if you could find a RoR starter that already had a User, Team, Membership, and Payment ready to go? Then you could focus on rapidly building the core functionality of Your App instead of the generic boring stuff that every app needs but doesn’t provide early value to test your idea.

RailsVault is an attempt to gather all the great Ruby on Rails starters into one place to learn from and use. Maybe you’ll find a new boilerplate to build production projects with. Or maybe you’ll find the perfect Ruby on Rails starter to whip up a product idea in a couple hours without having to customize the product idea.